WELcome to my realm

My Story

Hello beautiful Source Energy Beings. I started my healing journey in 2021. When I awakened to my essence, I became in love with using energy healing on myself. My Council from the higher realms, highlighted which aspects of myself needed healing, love, acceptance, etc.. As I started doing these practices, I started creating changes in the physical realm as well. When I had fears to work through, to create these changes, I came across tarot readings on YouTube. When I had no support in the physical aspect, watching tarot videos played a great role in giving me reassurance to keep going towards the life I envisioned for myself. So now, here I am. Summoning my full potential to help you reach yours.

My mission is to assist you. I am here to help strengthen the bridge from the higher realms to you. I am here to guide you to your inner most knowing. I not only want to give you guidance, I desire to activate within you a remembrance of your true essence. Of your true Divine Power. Which is that of Creator Source Energy. That of Unconditional Love. The advice, the guidance I give, is not something I take lightly. I will not advice you to do something that I have not or would not go through myself. Because I know what it is to live a stagnant unfulfilled life, and I know what it is to have the courage to take those risks that the ego is scared to take. We all are here to ascend together. To expand in unity consciousness. Sending each and every one of you so much Divine Love and Light, beautiful Creator Source Energy beings!

With Love

The Arcturian Crystal Oracle